1.   Babies are being infected, and available drugs could reduce the rate of infection.

2.   Babies can be infected when the umbilical cord is cut, UNICEF experts say.

3.   A positive test result does not necessarily mean that the baby is infected.

4.   But mothers continued to infect their babies through breast-feeding during the follow-up period.

5.   Doctors think babies become infected with HPV, which invades tissues of the throat and sometimes eyes, as they pass through the birth canal.

6.   In America, pregnant women with the virus take the drug AZT, which cuts the risk of infecting their babies by two-thirds.

7.   They have long argued that hundreds of new parents leave hospitals each year without knowing that their babies are infected with the deadly virus.

8.   They can cause a miscarriage or infect the baby during the delivery.

9.   Why some babies breast-fed by infected mothers do not get infected is not known.

10.   More intensive treatment, coupled with Caesarean delivery, virtually eliminates the possibility that an unborn baby will be infected.

v. + baby >>共 483
have 17.77%
deliver 5.48%
take 3.45%
carry 2.81%
hold 2.67%
expect 2.45%
find 2.09%
kill 2.00%
kiss 1.72%
adopt 1.67%
infect 0.31%
infect + n. >>共 341
people 10.43%
human 6.98%
cell 4.25%
animal 3.45%
patient 3.37%
person 2.81%
computer 2.65%
child 2.25%
wound 2.00%
woman 1.76%
baby 0.88%
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