1.   Or did the belief in their inevitable demise subject them to a constant state of tension and anxiety?

2.   Delaying the inevitable demise of Madison ended up costing taxpayers millions of dollars each month.

3.   Failure to adhere to these concepts and to adapt to the external environment would lead to the inevitable demise of that organisation.

4.   The inevitable demise of the seemingly perennial ruler stunned the populace into a contemplative combination of joy and pondering.

a. + demise >>共 91
imminent 14.17%
political 10.00%
untimely 6.25%
early 5.42%
final 3.75%
impending 3.33%
sudden 3.33%
quick 2.50%
ultimate 2.50%
eventual 2.08%
inevitable 1.67%
inevitable + n. >>共 754
result 4.95%
consequence 3.36%
question 3.36%
comparison 2.94%
part 1.83%
conclusion 1.41%
outcome 1.16%
change 0.98%
conflict 0.92%
problem 0.92%
demise 0.24%
每页显示:    共 4