1.   Although a string of smaller deals have created sizeable regional players, the global steel industry remains fairly fragmented and ripe for big mergers, analysts said.

2.   Analysts agree the establishment of such a contract would reduce price risk, though industry participation remains unclear since major papermakers already make most of their own pulp.

3.   Even though that merger plan appears to be dead, industry observers said the health industry remains under pressure to reduce operating costs and improve efficiency.

4.   Holzheauser is reluctant to even hold a committee hearing on the issue, since the industry remains so divided.

5.   How much an attitude like his will hurt the retail industry remains to be seen.

6.   Industry lawyer J. Phil Carlton said the industry remains opposed to any effort to allow Liggett not to make annual payments as required under the proposed settlement.

7.   Instead, the fragile coalitions stitched together by Hollings fell apart, and the telecommunications industry remains mired in an archaic regulatory structure that grows daily more inhibiting.

8.   The banking industry remains adamantly opposed to the proposal, but some corporate executives are changing their view and now support the proposed standard.

9.   The industry remains focused on getting an annual cap on private litigation judgments, according to a senior tobacco company executive.

10.   The construction industry remains mired in a slump that is partly to blame for the slow economic growth and high unemployment afflicting the country.

n. + remains >>共 765
inflation 2.27%
question 2.20%
economy 1.81%
pressure 1.62%
market 1.55%
government 1.36%
craft 1.17%
fact 1.17%
work 1.10%
industry 1.10%
industry + n. >>共 619
analyst 9.00%
official 7.19%
executive 6.67%
group 6.15%
expert 5.64%
leader 5.21%
source 2.74%
representative 2.64%
observer 2.59%
standard 1.60%
remains 0.13%
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