1.   The entertainment industry has vehemently objected to the V-chip and ratings system as tantamount to government censorship.

2.   The health-insurance industry might object because the Amish do not purchase health insurance.

3.   After the industry objected, the Coast Guard agreed there should be exemptions.

4.   But the larger standardbred industry objected.

5.   But the financially troubled aviation industry has often objected to some of the new measures sought by the Federal Aviation Administration, saying they were too expensive and ineffective.

6.   Stover said the insurance industry objected to three major items in an earlier version of the bill and managed to get rid of two of them.

7.   The banking industry does not object to the repeal of the gas tax itself, only paying for it.

8.   The broadcast industry vehemently objects to such plans.

9.   The direct marketing industry has objected to the FCC order, defending the right of some companies to book extra numbers for use in future campaigns.

10.   The credit reporting industry objected.

n. + object >>共 408
government 4.31%
official 4.24%
group 3.91%
prosecutor 3.05%
member 2.39%
company 2.19%
leader 2.19%
people 2.12%
lawmaker 2.05%
parent 1.92%
industry 1.46%
industry + v. >>共 672
be 17.52%
have 4.76%
say 1.87%
face 1.51%
continue 1.21%
want 1.17%
grow 1.15%
take 1.13%
need 1.11%
begin 1.06%
object 0.19%
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