1.   If that happens, the FCC will request industry comments and schedule a final vote before the end of the summer.

2.   Once the FAA formally issues its proposed rule, there will be a period for industry comment before the new rule requiring the new devices takes effect.

3.   Such orders do not require industry comment or a waiting period.

4.   The commission adopted goals to guide the rule-making process and asked for industry comment on a number of related issues.

5.   The FCC said it will request industry comments and schedule a final vote by the fall.

6.   The proposal, which will be opened to industry comment, will largely take the form of a series of open-ended questions, FCC officials say.

7.   The PUC already has received industry comment on what these standards should be, said PUC Administrative Law Judge John Wong.

8.   The commission is weighing writing new rules, a process that takes months of soliciting public and industry comments.

9.   The court said the commission could write new rules, a process that takes months of soliciting public and industry comments.

n. + comment >>共 183
government 9.26%
week 8.10%
press 5.56%
broker 4.86%
analyst 3.01%
weekend 2.55%
newspaper 2.08%
industry 2.08%
police 1.85%
morning 1.62%
industry + n. >>共 619
analyst 9.00%
official 7.19%
executive 6.67%
group 6.15%
expert 5.64%
leader 5.21%
source 2.74%
representative 2.64%
observer 2.59%
standard 1.60%
comment 0.07%
每页显示:    共 9