1.   A lot of working days are lost through industrial disputes.

2.   Ballylumford had had a long, bitter industrial dispute a few months earlier and the scars were raw and unhealed.

3.   Eden was instantly plunged into industrial disputes in the docks and on the railways.

4.   His explanation should have been more sensitive to the interplay between local and national democratic influences on the policing of industrial disputes.

5.   I would point out that the procedure for the avoidance of industrial disputes is inappropriate in these circumstances.

6.   Industrial disputes and negotiations, and union and collective agreements and recent redundancies.

7.   ...delays caused by such things as bad weather or industrial disputes.

8.   U.K. employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.

9.   We find ourselves ensnared in employment acts which do not help resolve industrial disputes.

a. + dispute >>共 744
territorial 11.04%
bitter 4.78%
political 3.63%
legal 3.53%
long-running 2.46%
domestic 2.46%
internal 2.22%
long-standing 2.14%
longstanding 1.73%
ongoing 1.41%
industrial 0.86%
industrial + n. >>共 542
production 9.24%
average 3.72%
nation 3.40%
output 2.72%
country 2.41%
company 2.27%
area 2.04%
city 2.01%
sector 1.97%
zone 1.90%
dispute 0.44%
每页显示:    共 51