1.   Anti-lock brakes are an added control system that prevent an individual wheel from locking up.

2.   ESP works by braking individual wheels when it senses understeer or oversteer.

3.   ESC, monitoring steering, acceleration, yaw, individual wheel speeds, and brake inputs, senses what the driver is trying to do.

4.   If it detects the vehicle going into a skid, it decreases power, applies braking to individual wheels as necessary, and holds the car on the road.

5.   The sensors can brake individual wheels to regain stability or alter engine power to recapture control.

6.   Then, it employs individual wheel braking, engine torque, and transmission adjustments to get the car back on course.

7.   This system controls individual wheel brake pressure and engine torque automatically in understeer, oversteer or slippery-road situations to keep the vehicle going in a straight line.

a. + wheel >>共 330
front 16.99%
training 5.05%
back 3.55%
left 2.26%
broken 2.04%
small 1.72%
squeaky 1.72%
bad 1.40%
grinding 1.29%
little 1.18%
individual 0.75%
individual + n. >>共 1275
investor 6.09%
country 1.83%
stock 1.71%
case 1.56%
right 1.53%
member 1.45%
company 1.36%
retirement 1.35%
state 1.11%
event 0.99%
wheel 0.04%
每页显示:    共 7