1.   Funding based on age-related pupil numbers May not run to small groups and bespoke programmes for individual pupils.

2.   In this way they will be able to meet the needs of individual pupils in a more effective manner.

3.   Sarah is completely focused on the needs of individual pupils instead of being centred on a particular area.

4.   Seven teachers of widely differing experience each taught five one-hour lessons to an individual pupil while being recorded on videotape.

5.   The good restricted professional is sensitive to the development of individual pupils, an inventive teacher and a skilful class-manager.

6.   This section too starts with a premise, which is that individual pupils are active participants in their own education.

7.   To encourage individual pupil use in their non-timetabled school day.

8.   With the advent of microcomputers in schools, computer software packages for CAL are being used in greater numbers by teachers and individual pupils.

9.   The suite is available on request to other Departments and individual pupils who require desktop publishing, word processing, graph plotting etc.

10.   The Department attempts to provide a positive and co-operative learning environment in which these aims can be realised by the individual pupil.

a. + pupil >>共 258
former 10.36%
black 6.74%
star 5.53%
young 2.25%
younger 2.07%
disruptive 1.73%
individual 1.73%
the 1.73%
fellow 1.55%
handicapped 1.55%
individual + n. >>共 1275
investor 6.09%
country 1.83%
stock 1.71%
case 1.56%
right 1.53%
member 1.45%
company 1.36%
retirement 1.35%
state 1.11%
event 0.99%
pupil 0.06%
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