1.   All instructions should be paced and adapted to the individual needs of each woman and her baby.

2.   And each business should choose its set carefully, to fit its individual needs.

3.   How far can programs such as legally mandated parental leaves go toward meeting the individual needs of employers and families?

4.   Instruction Instruction is informal and tailored to individual needs.

5.   It was inflexible, refusing to allow its members to tailor policies to suit their individual needs.

6.   Selective assessment can not be dispensed with while there is a shortage of resources to meet individual needs.

7.   The exact amount of historical detail will again depend on individual needs.

8.   The main focus, contrary to scientific management theory, was on individual needs and not on the needs of the organization.

9.   The positive aspects of this procedure include the full and detailed consideration of the individual needs of each child.

a. + need >>共 916
urgent 6.47%
special 4.85%
desperate 4.38%
basic 3.33%
dire 3.21%
immediate 2.43%
pressing 2.38%
financial 1.92%
medical 1.66%
humanitarian 1.51%
individual 1.21%
individual + n. >>共 1275
investor 6.09%
country 1.83%
stock 1.71%
case 1.56%
right 1.53%
member 1.45%
company 1.36%
retirement 1.35%
state 1.11%
event 0.99%
need 0.47%
每页显示:    共 74