1.   The ability to probe the environment of the individual atoms that both form and modify glass offers exciting opportunities.

2.   An individual atom is up to a few tenths of a nanometer in diameter.

3.   And in the physics labs, experimenters are playing with simple quantum computers in which individual atoms manipulate bits of data.

4.   But for the first time the global semiconductor industry is grappling with transistors so small that the placement of individual atoms will soon become crucial.

5.   But instead of carving it, they build it up from individual atoms.

6.   By measuring the amount of current passing between a sharp microscopic silicon tip and a surface, the new microscope generated the first images of individual atoms.

7.   In a device dubbed a magnetic resonance force microscope, a tiny magnet affixed to the cantilever would allow it sense the location and identity of the individual atoms.

8.   In an HTSD, the tiny gravitational effect of each individual atom is multiplied by the billions of atoms in the disc.

9.   Individual atoms and molecules do not exhibit temperature, he said, but temperature emerges from the interaction of many molecules.

10.   Individual atoms in this thick liquid, called an optical molasses, can be studied with great accuracy and their inner structure can be determined.

a. + atom >>共 114
individual 11.57%
single 8.80%
charged 4.17%
metal 3.24%
light 2.31%
copper 2.31%
ordinary 2.31%
cold 1.85%
thick 1.85%
tin 1.85%
individual + n. >>共 1275
investor 6.09%
country 1.83%
stock 1.71%
case 1.56%
right 1.53%
member 1.45%
company 1.36%
retirement 1.35%
state 1.11%
event 0.99%
atom 0.16%
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