1.   Nevertheless, the three major market indicators all finished on the downside.

2.   Other market indicators also finished higher.

3.   Broader indicators also finished higher.

4.   Broader indicators finished negative too, with the Nasdaq market showing the worst losses on continuing concerns about computer-industry earnings.

5.   Broader market indicators also finished higher in a volatile session.

6.   Broad-market indicators also finished with modest gains.

7.   Broader stock indicators finished with much more modest losses.

8.   Broader indicators finished mostly higher, also recovering from big losses earlier in the day.

9.   Broader market indicators also finished lower.

10.   Broader market indicators finished higher.

n. + finish >>共 936
team 6.84%
price 6.26%
future 6.14%
stock 4.39%
share 1.46%
player 1.46%
market 1.26%
man 0.99%
guy 0.91%
index 0.85%
indicator 0.44%
indicator + v. >>共 176
be 28.77%
point 7.99%
fall 5.42%
show 5.42%
suggest 2.49%
post 2.49%
rise 1.78%
advance 1.69%
end 1.60%
turn 1.51%
finish 1.33%
每页显示:    共 15