1.   A few light showers were indicated across the Caribbean coastal waters by local radar.

2.   Doppler radar indicated scattered showers south of St. Croix moving slowly westward.

3.   More showers were indicated by satellite photos upstream and moving toward the local region early this morning.

4.   More showers were indicated by satellite photos upstream.

5.   Only isolated light showers were indicated across the southeast and eastern coastal waters.

6.   Only isolated light showers were indicated across the southeast and south coastal waters.

7.   Only isolated showers were indicated by radar over the northern U.S. Virgin Islands.

8.   Radar indicated no showers across the local islands.

9.   Radar indicated no showers.

10.   Satellite photos indicated showers and thunderstorms were developing over the interior and north coast of Puerto Rico.

v. + shower >>共 156
scattered 14.90%
take 13.17%
expect 9.41%
bring 5.60%
detect 4.93%
forecast 3.59%
produce 3.53%
note 3.53%
have 3.47%
observe 3.42%
indicate 0.95%
indicate + n. >>共 1046
willingness 5.41%
support 3.59%
interest 3.32%
presence 2.03%
problem 1.71%
desire 1.50%
intention 1.41%
preference 1.29%
change 1.24%
need 0.94%
shower 0.50%
每页显示:    共 17