1.   A similar trend is also developing whereby parents sell their home when their children have established an independent existence.

2.   As Durkheim and others have tried to demonstrate, these relationships seem to have an independent existence over and above the individuals who compose them.

3.   It is something that can have an independent existence, that is, can be distinctly identified.

4.   Both arbitration and litigation have an independent existence beyond any specific application, because they can be used very widely for all kinds of dispute resolution.

5.   But the revenue streams will not start for another three years, leaving East Timor with tremendous shortfalls as it embarks on an independent existence.

6.   Its four decades of independent existence have been punctuated by false start followed by false start.

7.   She is incapable of independent existence.

8.   The creature is just a humble bacterium known as Hemophilus influenzae, but it nonetheless possesses all the tools and tricks required for independent existence.

9.   It began independent existence with no industry, bitter racial divisions and unfriendly neighbors.

a. + existence >>共 384
very 15.13%
human 6.07%
continued 5.07%
mere 3.35%
daily 2.08%
precarious 1.90%
hand-to-mouth 1.81%
nomadic 1.45%
solitary 1.09%
miserable 1.09%
independent 0.82%
independent + n. >>共 763
counsel 8.67%
state 5.72%
confirmation 3.90%
newspaper 2.28%
candidate 2.14%
medium 1.92%
homeland 1.77%
commission 1.65%
company 1.58%
group 1.54%
existence 0.05%
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