1.   Pike disputed that, saying the savings in expenses would be offset by higher commissions paid to the independent agents.

2.   Prosperous peasants, furthermore, were unable to become independent agents by paying off their debts quickly.

3.   However, independent agents were much less likely to plug the three main tour-operators.

4.   Analysts said the investigation may prompt independent agents who sell Crop Growers insurance to recommend that customers buy policies sold by competitors.

5.   And most insurance companies and independent agents will provide a worksheet as a guide through the process.

6.   Bertha Means, the company owner, said some of her drivers are independent agents who own their cars and lease the company name.

7.   Besides big insurance brokers like AIG, Countrywide will be up against hundreds of independent agents as well as online insurance shopping services like InsWeb, he said.

8.   Before Wednesday, it ranked ninth in the market of personal insurance sold through independent agents.

9.   Both companies sell through independent agents.

a. + agent >>共 1157
federal 16.85%
undercover 4.39%
former 3.99%
insurance 3.62%
special 2.56%
israeli 2.49%
biological 2.10%
literary 1.91%
north_korean 1.88%
chemical 1.78%
independent 0.74%
independent + n. >>共 763
counsel 8.67%
state 5.72%
confirmation 3.90%
newspaper 2.28%
candidate 2.14%
medium 1.92%
homeland 1.77%
commission 1.65%
company 1.58%
group 1.54%
agent 0.31%
每页显示:    共 61