1.   Either way, the promised test-ban helped win indefinite extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Bush wants to see reinforced.

2.   Earlier this year, France joined the other nuclear nations in lobbying for an indefinite extension of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

3.   In return, other nations approved an indefinite extension of the treaty limiting the spread of nuclear weapons and technology.

4.   Instead of endorsing an indefinite extension of the pact, Boutros-Ghali delivered a ringing call for disarmament.

5.   Many of the non-nuclear nations agree that an indefinite extension of the treaty could divide the world forever into nuclear haves and have-nots.

6.   Moreover, the board can request an almost indefinite extension until it can come up with the necessary facts.

7.   President Clinton has written to the leaders of Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico and South Africa to urge them to back an indefinite extension.

8.   Some signers are holding back on indefinite extension until separate talks on a global ban on nuclear arms testing make more headway.

9.   The committee, politics notwithstanding, has earned an indefinite extension.

10.   The conference then approved an indefinite extension of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

a. + extension >>共 345
indefinite 12.04%
natural 4.47%
further 3.43%
possible 3.35%
new 3.11%
logical 2.95%
limited 2.47%
temporary 2.23%
such 2.23%
long-term 2.23%
indefinite + n. >>共 118
extension 16.05%
detention 14.77%
period 12.01%
strike 9.25%
curfew 5.42%
suspension 3.93%
hold 2.87%
leave 2.66%
ban 2.34%
stay 1.91%
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