1.   Shells now began to fall with increasing regularity among closely packed men.

2.   At a time when Americans are changing and losing jobs with increasing regularity, the invaluable professional reference has become nearly meaningless.

3.   But with increasing regularity, that is not always the case for other drivers.

4.   Debates like this one in Republic over the separation of church and state are coming up with increasing regularity around the country.

5.   Israelis live in fear of suicide bombers and gunmen who have been striking with increasing regularity month after month.

6.   Maybe the team that made its debut at Byrne Meadowlands Arena will be the one that shows up with increasing regularity.

7.   My feelings about what was taking place with increasing regularity had grown stronger.

8.   The increasing regularity in Israeli attacks appears coupled with a growing realization among Israelis that there is no quick end to the fighting in sight.

9.   With increasing regularity in clutch situations, Stewart has found Cole and Hodge, two sophomores who entered the season with a combined seven catches.

a. + regularity >>共 102
alarming 11.73%
increasing 7.14%
monotonous 6.12%
great 4.59%
numbing 2.55%
rhythmic 2.55%
increased 2.04%
amazing 1.53%
metronomic 1.53%
frightening 1.53%
increasing + n. >>共 1215
number 15.27%
pressure 6.72%
demand 2.99%
competition 2.73%
frequency 1.40%
criticism 1.34%
concern 1.31%
amount 1.23%
tension 1.22%
use 1.19%
regularity 0.15%
每页显示:    共 14