1.   Direct action by central government would necessitate substantially increased expenditure and therefore revenue.

2.   Rapidly increasing administrative costs are contributing to reductions in service despite increased expenditure.

3.   Communes would receive a proportion of the fines levied in connection with the violence to allow them to meet increased expenditures.

4.   For a number or reasons, resources did not keep up with increased expenditures.

5.   It is a shift that some experts say rests on troubling economics, since the state will be serving fewer people with sharply increased expenditures.

6.   Besides increased expenditure, it meant crops grew vulnerable to several pest strains.

7.   Mahathir said almost every day the world is told about the Chinese threat, its territorial ambitions and increased military expenditure.

8.   The credit is triggered by a number of reforms already under way, including governance improvements and increased expenditures on social services such as education.

9.   The welfare accounting committee has said that over-shoot reflects, not increased expenditure but rather a fall of contributions, or premium payments, caused by a lower growth.

10.   Suharto said the increased expenditure would be funded mainly through tax income.

a. + expenditure >>共 249
public 12.50%
military 4.13%
independent 3.91%
state 3.37%
total 2.72%
large 2.17%
federal 2.07%
advertising 2.07%
additional 1.74%
unnecessary 1.63%
increased 1.20%
increased + n. >>共 809
competition 4.95%
demand 4.43%
risk 3.76%
security 2.53%
pressure 1.93%
production 1.91%
cost 1.87%
sale 1.87%
use 1.65%
trade 1.38%
expenditure 0.09%
每页显示:    共 11