1.   How best to reconcile the need for faster performance and increased capacity?

2.   This is the key to creating the vastly increased capacity to train so urgently needed without dramatically expanding the available human resources.

3.   An increased proliferative capacity of the gastric epithelium next to the areas of MALT derived lymphomas has been postulated as a possible mechanism.

4.   It could also be argued that the increased maximal secretory capacity of smokers is the result of chronic vagal stimulation which enhances acid secretion.

5.   Improved order intake and increased capacity usage over the past three months confirmed that the tentative pick-up seen in the previous quarter was not an aberration.

6.   Analysts said MCI would rather spend money on new services than pay for increased capacity to maintain the reselling.

7.   Analysts warn that falling currencies in Asia may make Asian producers more competitive and -- together with increased capacity in the U.S. -- trigger price falls.

8.   Consider the case of the paper industry, where increased manufacturing capacity may lead to an oversupply of paper, depressing prices.

9.   He cited increased manufacturing capacity and lower prices as reasons for his change of heart.

10.   Increased capacity may not be met by bumper demand.

a. + capacity >>共 651
full 7.57%
excess 6.90%
manufacturing 3.12%
generating 3.09%
official 2.75%
new 2.59%
refining 2.19%
limited 1.96%
private 1.59%
spare 1.56%
increased 1.33%
increased + n. >>共 809
competition 4.95%
demand 4.43%
risk 3.76%
security 2.53%
pressure 1.93%
production 1.91%
cost 1.87%
sale 1.87%
use 1.65%
trade 1.38%
capacity 0.31%
每页显示:    共 40