1.   Furthermore, the price rises were partially offset by increases in compensation payments on top of wages and pensions.

2.   W was the increase er entirely offset by the cost reductions?

3.   As a practical matter, the budget law requires all tax cuts to be offset by increases in other taxes or spending reductions.

4.   Both companies said an increase in passengers offset higher fuel costs.

5.   How much utility bills will actually drop remains in doubt, for the utility expects to ask for a rate increase to offset higher fuel costs.

6.   Personal tax cuts may well be partly offset by increases in some business taxes, such as insurance premiums, analysts said.

7.   That decline was mostly offset by increases in jobs in construction, mining, transportation and services.

8.   The Ann Arbor, Michigan-based company said the sales increase offset costs to expand overseas and to set up its business of selling through the Internet.

9.   The increases partially offset a week of declines fueled in large par by investor worries that American consumers might be coming to the end of their long spending spree.

n. + offset >>共 293
gain 8.55%
decline 6.84%
company 3.31%
concern 3.31%
share 3.31%
loss 2.78%
stock 2.46%
increase 2.24%
demand 2.14%
growth 2.03%
increase + v. >>共 454
be 44.36%
come 5.36%
reflect 3.55%
have 1.58%
make 1.24%
take 1.24%
help 1.17%
occur 1.02%
mean 0.97%
go 0.93%
offset 0.51%
每页显示:    共 21