1.   The young will encourage their friends and workmates, not only increasing the membership but mating, making our union stronger.

2.   Two of the older sects -- the Congregationalists and the Baptists -- responded enthusiastically to the Evangelical Revival and were able to increase their membership dramatically.

3.   Prompt response to requests would help to ease the pressure as would a concerted effort being made to increase membership.

4.   Our aim is, of course, to attract newcomers to our classes and to increase membership.

5.   I mention those figures, the need for a large membership is self evident and I know that you are making tremendous efforts to increase that membership.

6.   The switch to waged work of previously independent producers also increased union membership.

v. + membership >>共 337
seek 11.04%
gain 3.52%
oppose 3.03%
expand 2.61%
approve 2.25%
increase 2.06%
offer 1.94%
support 1.70%
reject 1.70%
deny 1.64%
increase + n. >>共 661
number 5.30%
risk 3.45%
pressure 3.43%
cost 2.23%
production 2.20%
chance 2.07%
security 1.77%
demand 1.67%
sale 1.66%
price 1.64%
membership 0.15%
每页显示:    共 34