1.   Water charges will be required to increase to meet these investment needs whatever option is chosen.

2.   I wonder if my pension will be increased to meet some of these demands?

3.   All sides represented at the conference agreed that those taxes should not be increased to meet the growing demand of Social Security benefits as the baby boomers retire.

4.   Our humanitarian effort is also increasing to meet the daunting challenge of providing food and shelter for the hundreds of thousands of refugees.

5.   Air services between Australia and Indonesia are to be increased to meet rapidly rising demand.

6.   The number of domestic flights will also be increased to meet domestic passenger growth.

v. + meet >>共 294
rush 5.00%
use 3.72%
travel 2.95%
seed 2.82%
rise 2.44%
work 2.31%
expand 2.18%
tailor 2.05%
spend 1.92%
will 1.79%
increase 0.90%
increase + v. >>共 118
spend 19.03%
follow 4.45%
fund 3.24%
match 2.83%
meet 2.83%
include 2.02%
help 1.62%
cover 1.62%
prevent 1.62%
reflect 1.62%
每页显示:    共 7