1.   A steady income stream is required to meet the costs of the syndicated lending department.

2.   We want a predictable income stream.

3.   When income stream is not coming through and capital values are falling then you are going to get problems.

4.   They analyse managements, investments and future income streams.

5.   Consequently, unlike equities, the income stream from debt is usually known.

6.   In the presence of perfect capital markets and suitably inclusive definitions, wealth would simply be the discounted present value of all future income streams.

7.   This will deplete future income streams.

8.   Also, with a comfortable income stream aside from this portfolio, you can afford to take on some market risk.

n. + stream >>共 165
revenue 24.23%
income 15.45%
mountain 9.99%
trout 6.13%
air 5.06%
datum 2.53%
earnings 1.86%
moisture 1.73%
feeder 1.20%
ice 1.07%
income + n. >>共 339
level 9.57%
stream 4.74%
growth 4.13%
gap 3.80%
group 3.44%
security 3.44%
inequality 3.07%
distribution 2.66%
statement 2.66%
support 2.62%
每页显示:    共 115