1.   The prospectuses of the two new generating companies, National Power and Powergen, both include warnings that tight environmental restrictions would have a damaging effect on potential profits.

2.   Although the rule book is mute on the etiquette of swamping, a common occurrence with all the paddling, it does include a warning on ramming.

3.   Another participant, who declined to be identified, said the talk included warnings about the criticism Clinton will take for character flaws and ethical questions.

4.   Apache recently included a warning in one of its periodic safety bulletins to its field staff about studies linking the increase in accidents with cellular phone use.

5.   Before the FDA can require a company to include a warning or remove an herb, it must prove the product is harmful.

6.   A recent orientation session for new Republican lawmakers included a warning about muggings on Capitol Hill, a quaint residential neighborhood just east of the U.S. Capitol.

7.   Certainly, had anyone at Ford thought of it, the manual would have included sterner warnings.

8.   Even before the bombing began, the morning political talk shows included pointed warnings about possible retaliation.

9.   Giles said the CPSC has requested that the company mail notices to retailers and consumers, and include warnings at the point of sale.

10.   Greenspan also included a warning about stocks, saying that investors may be too sanguine about the inflation risk he sees.

v. + warning >>共 395
issue 23.94%
ignore 7.81%
receive 6.29%
give 5.67%
heed 3.68%
post 2.55%
have 2.53%
follow 2.28%
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take 1.56%
include 1.10%
include + n. >>共 1616
one 1.81%
child 1.37%
member 1.09%
woman 0.89%
provision 0.88%
people 0.77%
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