1.   An allergist has adjusted the shots to include substances prevalent in the Washington area that are most apt to trigger allergic reactions.

2.   Exceptions include natural substances such as aflatoxins, fungal contaminants of poorly stored nuts and spices.

3.   Hazardous materials include substances that are explosive, corrosive, toxic, infectious and radioactive.

4.   These include hormonelike substances called interleukins, which deliver the intricate messages that go back and forth between the cells in the immune system.

5.   They include substances often discussed as potential weapons of bioterrorism.

6.   Experts say the machines can detect miniscule amounts of drugs in the body, including banned substances that were ingested months earlier.

7.   Japanese police have confiscated a huge amount of chemical agents, including substances used in making lethal sarin nerve gas, in a series of raids on the cult.

8.   Sixteen of the supplements were found to include substances that would have led to adverse nandrolone findings.

9.   That includes substances derived from cannabis and opiates for therapeutic use, according to the motion.

10.   The High Resolution Mass Spectrometer is designed to detect miniscule amounts of drugs in the body, including banned substances that were ingested months earlier.

v. + substance >>共 265
use 10.88%
contain 6.66%
take 5.95%
have 4.62%
find 4.23%
test 2.74%
discuss 2.51%
ban 2.27%
identify 2.19%
give 1.96%
include 0.94%
include + n. >>共 1616
one 1.81%
child 1.37%
member 1.09%
woman 0.89%
provision 0.88%
people 0.77%
representative 0.72%
comment 0.70%
information 0.63%
picture 0.54%
substance 0.02%
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