1.   As well as an exhibition of food-related products, the show will include a series of seminars covering quality assurance and customer relations.

2.   It will include a series of seminars that will discuss key issues facing the waste management industry.

3.   The eastern regional news programme includes a series of short features screened on the last Wednesday of each month.

4.   The exhibition includes a series of studies by Picasso for his painting Guernica.

5.   The planning process includes a series of public meetings this fall, with the revised plan scheduled for adoption next spring.

6.   The first day included a series of slide presentations and guided tours of the departments.

7.   Concerts included a series in memory of our late Chancellor, Sir Monty Finniston.

8.   Although Bush said he would leave the day-to-day operations of schools to local communities, his plan includes a series of federal requirements on states and local districts.

9.   Bush will spend at least a day or two every week campaigning for the next few months including a series of barbecue events around the state, said Unger.

v. + series >>共 848
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