1.   An agricultural delegation, including a senator, returned only last weekend from a trip to build support for lifting the embargo on U.S. rice exports.

2.   Ah, but will Republicans stick by it, or will they hide from it as many -- including would-be senator Michael Huffington -- did in this term?

3.   But arrayed against Microsoft is an impressive list of Republicans as well, including former senator Bob Dole.

4.   Critics and even some original supporters, including one senator who sponsored the first community notification bill, have raised concerns about vigilantism against the offenders.

5.   It includes moderates senators like John Chafee of Rhode Island and Fritz Hollings of South Carolina and liberal ones like Paul Wellstone of Minnesota and Barbara Boxer of California.

6.   Nobody, including the senator himself, denies that McCain has a hair-trigger temper.

7.   Other people named in the ledger, including senators, admitted receiving payments.

8.   Opponents, including some senators who voted in favor of the original Senate bill, said it was politically motivated and fiscally irresponsible.

9.   The beleaguered little taxpayers who lost their jobs and pensions in the Enron fiasco will be interested to know whether that included their senator.

10.   The list includes Republican senators like Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, John McCain of Arizona, Connie Mack of Florida and Pete Domenici of New Mexico.

v. + senator >>共 275
elect 3.56%
include 3.41%
tell 3.13%
say 2.84%
accuse 2.56%
call 2.42%
lobby 2.28%
kidnap 1.71%
name 1.71%
join 1.56%
include + n. >>共 1616
one 1.81%
child 1.37%
member 1.09%
woman 0.89%
provision 0.88%
people 0.77%
representative 0.72%
comment 0.70%
information 0.63%
picture 0.54%
senator 0.04%
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