1.   Fish and Game laws require Market owners who buy fish to keep detailed records, including the name of the supplier.

2.   You have not included the name of the batch queue in the command line.

3.   You have not included the name of the RDBI configuration file in the command line.

4.   Edit the RDBI configuration file and include the name of an ORACLE account which has been created solely for the use of the RDBI transfer program.

5.   One such class includes letter names.

6.   More noteworthy are a small number of words and phrases apparently adopted from Middle Dutch, including the name Wilekin, which has the Dutch diminutive suffix -kin.

7.   They should include the names of two persons to whom reference may be made.

8.   If you include nothing else, include the name of the program, the date you last revised it and a revision number at the start of your program.

9.   Preference may be given, however, to limericks which include the name of a North-East candidate.

v. + name >>共 504
give 8.83%
change 7.14%
release 5.69%
use 5.56%
have 3.66%
bear 3.10%
make 2.84%
know 2.36%
mention 2.16%
take 2.13%
include 1.14%
include + n. >>共 1616
one 1.81%
child 1.37%
member 1.09%
woman 0.89%
provision 0.88%
people 0.77%
representative 0.72%
comment 0.70%
information 0.63%
picture 0.54%
name 0.34%
每页显示:    共 215