1.   President Bush went to Capitol Hill on Wednesday to reinvigorate his relationship with House Republicans, including anxious moderates, and to spark action on his agenda.

2.   Symptoms include a moderate to high fever, headache, sore throat, body aches and fatigue.

3.   The illness lasts about four days, with symptoms including moderate to high fever, headache, sore throat, body aches and fatigue.

4.   They include moderates like Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, who says settlers may stay where they are and who wants an ill-defined federation between the Palestinians and Jordan.

5.   On Saturday, U.N. ambassador Ravan Farhadi of the Afghan opposition government in exile said a post-Taliban government could include so-called moderates of the Taliban.

6.   Having gained the upper hand in the fighting, the rebels have announced their own coalition government, including Hutu moderates.

7.   Among them are eight Democrats, including moderates like Sam Nunn of Georgia and Bill Bradley of New Jersey.

8.   Virtually all the killers belonged to the majority Hutu ethnic group, while the victims were predominantly of the Tutsi ethnic group but included Hutu moderates as well.

9.   Paris will tell Sifi his military-backed government must engage in dialogue with all parties that reject terrorism, including Islamic moderates, French officials said.

v. + moderate >>共 126
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include + n. >>共 1616
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