1.   A final rule, to be issued next year, would extend limits to private lands, including those held by major timber firms.

2.   But it does go on, usually at gem and mineral shows across the country, including one held annually in Tucson.

3.   McNickle said that during the training sessions, including many held outdoors in bad weather, he was struck by the dedication of the women.

4.   Most of the central business district was also wiped out, including warehouses holding food supplies, Onusumba said.

5.   The secondary also may be reworked, with three starting jobs up for grabs, including those held by veterans Lynde Washington and Cliff Crosby. . . .

6.   To find adequate funds for his patient care priorities, Doran eliminated many positions, including some held by experienced people.

7.   As the trucks traveled through teak forest and arrived at Piramanalamkulam, hundreds of Tamil civilians, including mothers holding their babies on their laps, cheered the drivers.

8.   The initial offer will not include shares held by U.S. residents, Onex said.

9.   Further complicating the issue, Zubak said the prisoner exchange included Serbs held in neighbouring Croatia and a number of people detained in rump Yugoslavia.

v. + hold >>共 277
order 23.15%
use 7.76%
be 4.00%
say 2.79%
fight 2.67%
will 1.82%
believe 1.82%
build 1.70%
opt 1.45%
include 1.09%
include + v. >>共 264
make 3.22%
involve 2.41%
write 2.01%
hold 1.81%
call 1.61%
base 1.41%
relate 1.41%
use 1.41%
own 1.21%
wear 1.21%
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