1.   A few days later, Britain removed its troops from the streets of Belfast and began releasing paramilitary prisoners, including men convicted of bombings and political killings.

2.   It will provide amnesty to all of those charged with and convicted of conspiring against the state, but will not include those convicted of terrorism.

3.   Prisoners, including those convicted of aiding terrorism, are freed when foreign pressure demands it.

4.   A Jordanian official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said they may include Jordanians convicted of carrying out attacks in which Israelis were killed.

5.   Details were not immediately known, but one topic on the agenda was the treatment of Thai prisoners in Burmese jails, including fishermen convicted of poaching.

v. + convict >>共 50
use 18.33%
say 17.50%
be 6.67%
include 4.17%
face 4.17%
send 4.17%
free 3.33%
people 3.33%
exclude 2.50%
jury 1.67%
include + v. >>共 264
make 3.22%
involve 2.41%
write 2.01%
hold 1.81%
call 1.61%
base 1.41%
relate 1.41%
use 1.41%
own 1.21%
wear 1.21%
convict 1.01%
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