1.   And in the clubhouse sitting next to a friend, an elderly woman inches forward in her chair.

2.   As the glacially paced film inches forward with its halting conversations and accusatory glances, it tests your patience.

3.   A powerful diesel motor accelerates and the locomotive inches forward.

4.   He slides into place, one shuffle step to his right, or two to his left, or a few inches forward.

5.   It therefore seems inevitable that NATO bombing will continue or intensify in the forseeable future, even as diplomacy inches forward.

n. + forward >>共 296
step 10.36%
move 8.88%
power 2.37%
company 1.78%
clock 1.78%
talk 1.63%
rookie 1.18%
way 1.18%
effort 1.04%
freshman 1.04%
inch 0.74%
inch + v. >>共 46
be 25.88%
fall 25.88%
accumulate 4.71%
blanket 2.94%
coat 2.94%
forward 2.94%
make 2.94%
cover 2.35%
long 2.35%
separate 2.35%
每页显示:    共 5