1.   Although investigators cited numerous concerns about inadequate supervision of students, the agency did not find the school responsible for neglect in a single case.

2.   But five days of hearings in Miami in November made clear that one element was inadequate supervision by Valujet of the work by Sabretech.

3.   Currently, two new complaints are pending for inadequate supervision of his clinics.

4.   Inadequate supervision.

5.   Massive foreign debt, inadequate regulatory supervision and a slowing economy have pummeled Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and South Korea.

6.   Now, the biggest impediment to weeding out poor teachers is not obstruction by the union but inadequate supervision by principals.

7.   Recent studies have found that inadequate supervision and inconsistent discipline increase the likelihood of teen violence, sexual activity, dating violence and delinquency.

8.   The banishment of two teen-age Indian robbers to remote Alaska islands could end in prison because of conflict among tribal judges and inadequate supervision.

9.   The currency crisis underscores lingering problems in Asian economies from inadequate banking supervision in Indonesia to the glacial growth of the Japanese economy.

10.   The two other largest contributors are a history of inadequate parental supervision and a history of having been either the bully or the bullied.

a. + supervision >>共 211
international 9.64%
medical 6.66%
close 6.06%
strict 5.12%
adult 4.61%
parental 3.50%
direct 3.16%
federal 2.99%
state 2.30%
proper 2.13%
inadequate 1.54%
inadequate + n. >>共 468
care 3.40%
training 2.77%
facility 2.20%
supply 2.20%
protection 2.13%
security 1.91%
information 1.42%
safety 1.42%
food 1.35%
resource 1.35%
supervision 1.28%
每页显示:    共 18