1.   Consequently, warehouses, old barracks and dormitories are being improved to provide housing.

2.   Four-speed automatic transmissions are standard, and they have been improved to provide more durability, GM said.

3.   Fourth, the requirement to submit a list of ingredients had been improved to provide for better confidentiality.

4.   The brakes have also been improved to provide better stability on different road surfaces.

v. + provide >>共 335
use 14.06%
set_up 3.66%
work 3.43%
create 2.17%
establish 2.06%
do 1.94%
be 1.71%
will 1.60%
rush 1.60%
arrive 1.37%
improve 0.46%
improve + v. >>共 94
train 6.38%
make 4.96%
give 3.55%
meet 2.84%
be 2.84%
become 2.84%
provide 2.84%
ensure 2.13%
compare 2.13%
base 2.13%
每页显示:    共 4