1.   Some parents say back-to-basics schools are exactly what is needed to improve public education in Arizona.

2.   Unless more money is given to schools, all this talk of improving education is just a charade.

3.   Creating a dynamic economy depends upon improving our education.

4.   All this is happening without a clear answer to the fundamental question of whether school choice has improved American education.

5.   Although offering to work with the Legislature to improve education, Graves stopped short of endorsing a tax increase to pay the bill.

6.   Among those are protecting families, improving education, economic security and fighting crime.

7.   And he believes students should be allowed to grade their teachers anonymously, as a way of improving education.

8.   And she remains an activist trying to improve education at Yates.

9.   And that meant my view of the specific issues facing the school district and what we have to deal with to improve education.

10.   And while the Democratic Party has long been the party most trusted by voters to improve education, Bush is close to stealing the education issue from Gore.

v. + education >>共 426
improve 10.37%
get 5.99%
provide 3.86%
have 3.58%
continue 3.42%
receive 2.81%
promote 2.33%
need 1.93%
complete 1.77%
include 1.77%
improve + n. >>共 696
relation 6.26%
condition 3.79%
quality 3.53%
tie 3.35%
performance 3.28%
service 2.71%
security 2.59%
efficiency 2.55%
life 2.10%
safety 2.08%
education 1.62%
每页显示:    共 256