1.   In some cases, it might be appropriate to imprison repeat offenders, especially if their crimes escalate.

2.   Judges have no discretion over whether a convicted drug offender should be imprisoned, and they cannot take into account whether any violence was committed.

3.   Offenders are imprisoned only if they refuse treatment.

4.   Dangerous offenders can be imprisoned indefinitely.

5.   He faced a possible fine and jail sentence, but first-time offenders rarely are imprisoned for the offense.

6.   He faces a possible fine and jail sentence if convicted, but first-time offenders rarely are imprisoned for the offense.

v. + offender >>共 221
punish 8.34%
prosecute 5.56%
treat 3.20%
release 3.06%
send 3.06%
sentence 2.36%
catch 2.23%
arrest 2.23%
bring 1.95%
jail 1.81%
imprison 0.83%
imprison + n. >>共 146
man 6.59%
people 4.12%
woman 4.12%
dissident 3.85%
leader 3.30%
journalist 3.30%
opponent 2.47%
father 2.20%
member 2.20%
hundred 1.92%
offender 1.65%
每页显示:    共 6