1.   An important question to ask about any new movement in social psychology is whether it proposes a universal or particular perspective.

2.   Before we examine these problems one important question of method must be noted.

3.   But even if the proposals prove sufficiently acceptable, important questions of principle will remain unresolved.

4.   But I do think they are important questions.

5.   But this is where important questions are raised concerning the police in society.

6.   Finally, there is the important question of inflation.

7.   His resignation has left some important questions hanging in the air.

8.   In addition, there are important questions of interpretation to consider.

9.   It is an important question, because it accounts for the detachment with which disasters were viewed at Salomon.

a. + question >>共 706
big 4.26%
same 3.23%
only 2.90%
key 2.56%
unanswered 2.40%
real 1.98%
important 1.94%
serious 1.90%
first 1.87%
tough 1.68%
important + n. >>共 921
thing 5.53%
role 4.50%
part 3.91%
issue 3.80%
step 2.31%
factor 2.27%
point 1.31%
question 1.28%
source 1.28%
element 1.01%
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