1.   Certainly, these are important highlights and should be given their proper place and emphasis in the narrative.

2.   When reviewing the qualities of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who died last year, we find a single most important highlight that characterizes him.

3.   An important highlight of the manifesto is the declaration that agriculture would be bestowed the status of an industry and that all controls on the sector would be lifted.

4.   She also pointed out that the most important highlight of the year was the establishment of the Thai Press Council in July in order to monitor press ethics.

a. + highlight >>共 178
video 9.73%
only 4.42%
game 3.24%
nightly 2.65%
personal 2.36%
daily 1.77%
defensive 1.47%
spectacular 1.47%
emotional 1.47%
human 1.18%
important 1.18%
important + n. >>共 921
thing 5.53%
role 4.50%
part 3.91%
issue 3.80%
step 2.31%
factor 2.27%
point 1.31%
question 1.28%
source 1.28%
element 1.01%
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