1.   Another weakness is the implicit assumption that underlying meaning can always be formulated in words.

2.   The basic problem is that most methods make implicit assumptions about the way the brain is organized.

3.   The implicit assumption as to why this should be so is that questions of law are for the ordinary courts.

4.   We begin interactions with an implicit assumption that other people determine and control their behaviour.

5.   The implicit assumption is that investors can borrow and lend at the riskless rate of interest.

6.   The implicit assumption of the naive Phillips curve was that the expected rate of inflation was zero.

7.   But auctions cannot unleash the productivity of older spectrum licenses issued on the implicit assumption that communications technology was cast in stone.

8.   But the Taiwanese, reveling in democracy and a prosperous economy, are acutely aware of the implicit assumptions.

a. + assumption >>共 371
economic 7.40%
basic 4.00%
underlying 2.87%
false 2.87%
common 2.61%
old 2.52%
reasonable 2.26%
optimistic 2.09%
different 1.74%
widespread 1.74%
implicit 1.31%
implicit + n. >>共 184
message 5.15%
criticism 4.90%
threat 4.64%
assumption 3.87%
recognition 2.06%
endorsement 2.06%
trust 1.80%
promise 1.80%
backing 1.55%
faith 1.55%
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