1.   At the end of the day most departments have to be left alone to implement policies.

2.   At the same Lime local government is responsible for implementing central government policy and hence we May find mutual dependency between organisations.

3.   In principle, the National Bank has the function of implementing these policies.

4.   It imposes statutory obligations on employers to set down and implement policy to safeguard the health and safety of their employees.

5.   It is self-evident that civil servants have an important role to play in implementing policy.

6.   Local government is responsible for implementing central government policy.

7.   Successive Conservative governments implemented policies which reversed the slight trend for income redistribution to poorer groups.

8.   The new policy was implemented over a two-year period.

9.   The parties produce manifestos and when elected in a majority seek to implement their policies.

10.   He wants his ministers to concentrate on implementing policy, not on drawing it up.

v. + policy >>共 903
change 5.55%
have 5.25%
adopt 3.36%
set 3.24%
pursue 2.24%
implement 1.89%
review 1.86%
coordinate 1.56%
discuss 1.52%
defend 1.42%
implement + n. >>共 471
reform 7.65%
agreement 6.52%
plan 6.18%
policy 4.27%
accord 4.18%
measure 4.13%
program 3.74%
law 3.44%
change 3.40%
system 2.20%
每页显示:    共 174