1.   A major risk of both types of implanted pump is the formation of blood clots, which can cause strokes by blocking blood flow to the brain.

2.   Dr. Peter Bosch of the Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, meanwhile, is experimenting with implanted pumps that deliver a potent drug directly into the cerebrospinal fluid canal.

3.   He is racked by nearly continuous muscle spasms that only an implanted pump and medication can halt.

4.   His implanted pump, the size of a computer mouse, contains, he hopes, a new drug considered by the Mayo Clinic to be a big improvement.

5.   She only wishes her daughter, who has had cerebral palsy since birth, had received the implanted pump when she was younger.

6.   That positive test meant that an implanted Baclofen pump would likely work for him.

7.   The same kind of implanted pump, filled with morphine instead of Baclofen, is now used routinely for terminal cancer patients to eliminate or reduce pain.

8.   There is no maintenance for the implanted pump.

9.   Effective treatments include medicine to stimulate the heart or an implanted pump to help the heart until it can manage by itself.

10.   Implanted pumps can permanently boost the power of failing hearts,

a. + pump >>共 292
electric 5.09%
hydraulic 3.97%
new 3.34%
black 3.34%
submersible 3.02%
plastic 2.38%
high-heeled 1.91%
implanted 1.59%
white 1.43%
electrical 1.43%
implanted + n. >>共 42
device 14.89%
defibrillator 12.77%
pump 10.64%
chip 8.51%
electrode 4.26%
embryo 4.26%
coil 3.19%
gene 2.13%
cell 2.13%
organ 2.13%
每页显示:    共 10