1.   AIM also recommends having a microchip implanted in pets to make identifying them easier if they are stolen.

2.   Each passport certifies that the pet has a tiny ID microchip implanted, has been vaccinated against rabies and has been treated for ticks and tapeworms.

3.   How would people like it if they had microchips implanted in them?

4.   Once the microchip is implanted, an electronic scanner passed over the neck of a lost animal will quickly identify its owner.

5.   The MIT-Harvard group has not yet implanted a microchip in a person but has started experiments in which the retinas of blind patients are stimulated with microelectrodes.

6.   Under the law, all horses have to be licensed and have a microchip implanted in an ear for identification.

7.   Or implanting microchips in the cerebellums of his ballplayers, buddies and bosses.

8.   All four monkeys have microchips implanted in their bodies for identification and tracking.

9.   So breeders implant a microchip in their fish to track its parentage.

10.   The microchip will be implanted by a veterinarian under local anaesthesia.

v. + microchip >>共 47
make 10.09%
embed 9.17%
implant 9.17%
contain 7.34%
use 5.50%
build 3.67%
insert 3.67%
have 3.67%
produce 3.67%
plant 3.67%
implant + n. >>共 114
embryo 13.82%
pacemaker 12.35%
device 8.53%
defibrillator 3.82%
egg 3.24%
microchip 2.94%
electrode 2.65%
heart 2.35%
chip 2.35%
pump 2.35%
每页显示:    共 10