1.   It clones the human gene governing the production of EPO and implants the gene into hamster ovary cells, which then make the protein.

2.   The gene was implanted into bacteria, which could then make insulin.

3.   Scientists used microscopic bubbles of fat to implant genes in the noses of cystic fibrosis patients, an advance that raises hopes of treating the disease through gene therapy.

4.   The idea is to implant human genes into crops to grow disease-fighting proteins, which can then be extracted and turned into profitable drugs and therapies.

v. + gene >>共 269
identify 6.37%
carry 6.07%
find 5.70%
insert 4.60%
have 4.60%
contain 3.25%
add 2.82%
use 2.33%
isolate 2.08%
turn 2.02%
implant 0.25%
implant + n. >>共 114
embryo 13.82%
pacemaker 12.35%
device 8.53%
defibrillator 3.82%
egg 3.24%
microchip 2.94%
electrode 2.65%
heart 2.35%
chip 2.35%
pump 2.35%
gene 1.18%
每页显示:    共 4