1.   The impact destroyed six homes and heavily damaged six others.

2.   He said none of the three were injured, although the impact destroyed the car.

3.   The impact destroyed the car, turning it into a heap of crumpled metal and broken glass.

4.   The impact destroyed the first three coaches of the passenger train and three others coaches derailed.

5.   The impact destroyed four train cars.

6.   The blast left him with a broken leg, broke the heel of his other leg and injured an eye, though the impact destroyed the vehicle.

n. + destroy >>共 846
fire 9.80%
bomb 3.99%
explosion 3.51%
blast 3.10%
force 2.94%
troop 2.04%
attack 1.40%
missile 1.21%
blaze 1.08%
army 1.08%
impact 0.19%
impact + v. >>共 214
be 59.35%
have 2.05%
come 1.83%
cause 1.41%
remain 1.27%
send 1.13%
occur 1.06%
depend 1.06%
go 0.99%
vary 0.78%
destroy 0.42%
每页显示:    共 6