1.   Few images convey more despair than pictures of a war-torn city.

2.   Out of all the vastness, no image conveys more powerfully the freedom the library protects, and makes possible.

3.   Taken in countries where political turmoil is common, the images convey a majestic stillness.

4.   The blend of beauty and danger this image conveys, the sense that dynamic forces are at work, is characteristic of Voodoo art.

5.   The images convey poetic allusions to nature and to power, and the pumpkin shape is a treat.

6.   When the Marlboro man mounted billboards in Hong Kong, the message was the opposite of what the image conveys in places such as Texas.

n. + convey >>共 308
word 3.63%
film 2.35%
book 2.14%
image 1.28%
movie 1.28%
voice 1.28%
actor 1.07%
company 1.07%
drawing 1.07%
name 1.07%
image + v. >>共 517
be 38.62%
show 5.62%
have 2.42%
appear 2.18%
come 1.94%
become 1.53%
seem 1.16%
change 1.02%
look 0.95%
remain 0.92%
convey 0.20%
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