1.   Friends of the Earth are mounting a campaign to monitor the illegal logging of trees.

2.   The workers were charged with forest encroachment and illegal logging.

3.   Aquino promised that all those involved in illegal logging would be prosecuted.

4.   The difficulty in checking the date on which a tree has been felled has led, however, to illegal logging and export of the felled timber.

5.   Ambrocia says that illegal logging, at least in his preserve, has virtually stopped.

6.   A regional forestry official in the southern town of Kampot, Chuorn Sara, recently talked of his difficulties in controlling illegal logging.

7.   Environmentalists blame corrupt local politicians, whom they claim cut deals with timber companies to allow illegal logging.

8.   Gangsters who profit hugely from illegal logging and fishing are another powerful force.

9.   Illegal logging again took an alarming upturn last year, mainly by companies that had exceeded their legal concessions.

10.   Illegal logging continues to claim threatened cedar and mahogany in the Chimalapas.

a. + logging >>共 100
illegal 36.98%
commercial 4.82%
selective 4.50%
widespread 3.22%
increased 2.57%
large-scale 2.25%
indiscriminate 1.93%
sustainable 1.93%
uncontrolled 1.61%
limited 1.29%
illegal + n. >>共 669
immigrant 20.04%
immigration 6.34%
drug 6.21%
alien 3.78%
weapon 3.39%
activity 2.89%
possession 2.52%
worker 2.02%
arm 1.49%
entry 1.46%
logging 0.71%
每页显示:    共 114