1.   A radio-frequency scanner picks up each identity code as a skier or snowboarder passes through a lift line.

2.   Each person enters a personal identity code at a kiosk that looks like an automated teller machine and then again at touch screens on each piece of fitness equipment.

3.   The man, whose identity was not released, then persuaded his victims to give him their bank cards and personal identity codes.

4.   The seized discs lacked covers and the mandatory source identity codes, BTA quoted police as saying.

5.   The plan also called for makers of cassette disks in both countries to put identity codes on their products, they added.

n. + code >>共 356
tax 26.47%
source 8.11%
computer 7.06%
software 3.42%
charge 2.23%
ethic 2.05%
fire 2.05%
security 1.96%
safety 1.46%
city 1.41%
identity 0.23%
identity + n. >>共 127
paper 29.03%
check 15.24%
document 11.96%
theft 10.90%
problem 2.89%
politics 2.51%
fraud 2.03%
thief 1.25%
parade 0.96%
number 0.96%
code 0.48%
每页显示:    共 5