1.   Enterprise might identify new sources of income.

2.   Essentially it is a matter of identifying the sources of supply and demand.

3.   For perhaps half a minute we strained to identify the source of the engine noise.

4.   Journalists, sensing something rotten, have focused on describing the odor rather than identifying the source.

5.   These are taken-for-granted groupings which assume some form of unity within each category without ever clearly identifying the source of this unity.

6.   They also help managers who listen well to identify sources of reluctance.

7.   To identify the source of the problem, get familiar with the types of errors.

8.   They could not identify the source of the quotation.

9.   -- ask questions, identify sources for an investigation, and collect and record information.

10.   You should identify sources for quotations, either by the author--date system with a suitable bibliography or by individual footnotes.

v. + source >>共 415
say 24.56%
quote 16.62%
cite 13.45%
find 3.54%
identify 3.00%
tell 2.13%
reveal 1.97%
have 1.64%
determine 1.36%
give 1.33%
identify + n. >>共 874
man 4.78%
victim 4.14%
suspect 4.13%
body 3.55%
source 1.61%
problem 1.41%
area 1.40%
company 1.38%
people 1.37%
dead 1.31%
每页显示:    共 182