1.   Perhaps additional opportunities for drug design will become apparent when we identify which phosphorylated protein is responsible for the anti-infarct effect.

2.   Cancer breakthrough... researchers identify rogue protein.

3.   Begin to identify some proteins found in cells and their role in various diseases.

4.   Advocates say proteomics, identifying proteins in cells, could supply information needed for more practical medical products than gene-sequencing genomics.

5.   He and his co-workers identified a protein that has become a key marker for an estrogen-dependent breast tumor.

6.   Identifying proteins is the next and most difficult step in developing new drugs.

7.   It came when the team succeeded in identifying the proteins from the minuscule amounts present in many liters of CJD spinal fluid.

8.   It took her two years just to identify the protein, one of the hundreds of thousands that build and run and repair the human body.

9.   Lacking tools to automate the study of proteins, scientists have used DNA scanners as proxies to identify proteins of particular interest, Cohen said.

10.   Normally, our cellular machinery identifies misshapen proteins, reduces them to their constituent parts and recycles those parts.

v. + protein >>共 229
produce 13.67%
make 12.93%
contain 4.93%
use 2.83%
identify 2.71%
find 1.97%
block 1.97%
have 1.85%
eat 1.48%
add 1.35%
identify + n. >>共 874
man 4.78%
victim 4.14%
suspect 4.13%
body 3.55%
source 1.61%
problem 1.41%
area 1.40%
company 1.38%
people 1.37%
dead 1.31%
protein 0.19%
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