1.   In the humanities, as in natural sciences, ideas often spring from improbable intersections.

2.   Interesting ideas rarely spring up in isolation.

3.   Some legislative ideas apparently sprang from shared inspiration.

4.   Sort of like the invention of the wheel, the same idea sprang from different minds.

5.   The idea of Earthaven sprang from Schwartz and some of the friends who joined him for equinox celebrations every year.

6.   The idea sprung from walks the two mothers took together after giving birth to their first babies.

7.   The idea sprang from her own travails.

8.   Ideas already are springing up in Congress to prevent another election fiasco.

9.   Sundborg said the idea sprung from requests by some Catholics seeking a closer bond with the Jesuits, but unable to join the order.

10.   The festival idea sprung from admirers and colleagues on both continents, and was done without his involvement.

n. + spring >>共 568
group 3.62%
hope 2.95%
industry 2.19%
company 1.90%
city 1.33%
house 1.05%
idea 1.05%
community 1.05%
market 1.05%
spring 0.95%
idea + v. >>共 563
be 57.24%
come 4.21%
have 4.20%
seem 1.83%
take 1.02%
make 0.98%
work 0.94%
become 0.91%
include 0.78%
go 0.73%
spring 0.15%
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