1.   He advises young entrepreneurs not to worry if their business ideas sound weird, crazy or obscure.

2.   I know this idea sounds crazy, but it may be worth a try.

3.   Its two basic ideas sound obvious, and neither is new.

4.   Such an idea might sound rather optimistic, but some power generators are already trying to look environmentally friendly by doing it.

5.   The idea sounded crazy to me.

6.   The whole idea sounds absolutely insane to me.

7.   The whole idea sounds absolutely preposterous!

8.   The whole idea sounds plumb crazy to me.

9.   Although the idea may sound a little loony at first, scientists have discovered that a full moon not only makes for brighter nights, but warmer days.

10.   And the more research he did, the better the idea sounded.

n. + sound >>共 1184
siren 4.82%
buzzer 3.45%
voice 3.34%
alarm 3.34%
bell 1.97%
word 1.83%
music 1.83%
official 1.46%
name 1.43%
horn 1.31%
idea 1.23%
idea + v. >>共 563
be 57.24%
come 4.21%
have 4.20%
seem 1.83%
take 1.02%
make 0.98%
work 0.94%
become 0.91%
include 0.78%
go 0.73%
sound 0.60%
每页显示:    共 43